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Turning The Hiram Key

Find out what Masonry means to Robert by reading his latest book, Turning The Hiram Key.

- Robert's own thoughts about his new book
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By Keith Martin
With the formation of United Grand Lodge in 1717, and the adoption of the Anderson constitution in 1723, freemasonry lost touch with it's past aims and objectives, namely to investigate the hidden mysteries of science and nature. From the excellent books Robert Lomas has written, it would appear that current lodge workings are more concerned with allegory, symbolism and ritualistic learning, in the pursuit of self improvement, then studying the 7 liberal arts, and the hidden mysteries of science and nature. It is said that Freemasonry is not a secret society, but a society with secrets. From what I have read it would appear that those secrets were lost, and were therefore substituted. the means of recognition, passwords and grips would seem to be the only secrets that freemasonry has. Robert's excellent book The Invisible College, showed how men from both sides of the civil war came together to investigate the hidden mysteries of science and nature and study natural philosophy. These men included some of the greatest scientific thinkers, Newton, Wren Boyle, Hook as well as Wilkins. These men had the courage, in an age when the church had very effective means with dealing with people who held an alternative view, to meet and discuss science and natural philosophy. It was with the exile of James 11 in 1688, that Freemasonry lost its original purpose.
By Parry Chizawsky
I have only been a Mason for about a year and it has been a very enlightening experience for me. I am very active in my lodge and also out in the community. I have read all of Robert Lomas' books as well as numerous others pertaining to the Craft. I would like that certain things still remain a secret within the walls of the lodge but we do need to be more visible in the community. The general population still perceive us as a negative influence in society and this is something that we need to dispell, without giving away our secrets. I do put into practise the lecture of the working tools of all degrees into my daily life. This has enabled me to become a better person and reflect the positive influence onto others. It is such a good feeling to go out into the public and tell people that I am involved in Freemasonry. I see no need to hide it or to evade the question when asked if I am one.
By mike
Freemasonry is the sum total of human wisdom.
By Ruben J. Levy
Dear Dr. Lomas:

I have read the Hyram Key and the Book of Hyram, as well as Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science, Uriels Machine, the Second Messiah and Turning the Hyram Key.

If curiosity killed the cat… we are all to be dead kittens soon. I am curious as to the significance of certain words in our rituals. Specifically about the two columns that “when conjoined together mean stability…” as the columns always appear freestanding without anything above them or between them how are conjoined… (if any) at the base? This does not make sense to me. It would seem the represent something else: Either the merging of the spheres atop them (the earthly and astral worlds), or their combined contents (they purportedly being hollow) or perhaps they are meant to symbolize something else: like man in the middle (like Samson when he demolished the temple) or even the two rods that serve to wind up the torah in its parchment form pre-dating bound books. Any thoughts on this smatter?

I have recently read the Hyram Key in Spanish, published in paperback by Grijalbo, and found it to be extremely didactic, objective and shocking at the same time. I have bought three extra copies just to give away to fellow masons. As a Jew I have aspects of my faith that are difficult to accept and the same follows for other religions which are not my own. I believe everybody should believe in something to do the right thing, and therefore, what you call that or how you chose to pray is not necessarily the most important.

The possibility that Christ was raised as a mason makes more sense to me that to believe he was resurrected from the dead because this is not consistent with the laws of the universe. If he was indeed God incarnate, once he became a man, the rules of nature would apply to him as well and thus once his body died, only his spirit could be recycled.

I prefer to believe that God is one, but may manifest in many forms, including Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

In any event, as a new mason, I was fascinated and wanted to contact you to share my admiration for the work you have done. I think the Web of Hyram is an extremely laudable effort for masonry comparable only to the time when from fear or the oral tradition being lost, the Mishnah or Oral Torah was written.

Maybe I can possibly contribute (albeit minutely) to your efforts, by adding a little sand in your sandbox.

In the Hiram Key I believe you refer in passing to the horns depicted on Moses. (I am sure this appears in page 66 of the Book of Hiram) This has been a subject of speculation for some time. I have read a book (in Spanish) by Dr. Hertzel Klepfisch called the Jewish impact in Occidental Culture, which was published in Panama many years ago (1975)in which the author explains in page 49 that in a translation mistake in the latin version of the “vulgata” Bible, the verb “karan” which means radiated was erroneously replace with the substantive “keren” which means horn and also means ray of light or light beams. The correct translation should read “ the countenance of his face radiated light beams” This error in translation is revealed in the colossal sculpture of Moses by Michelangelo.

Another aspect that called my attention, was the similarity of words depicted in your book for the raising egiptian ceremony which differs slightly from the words we use in our lodges today. (MA’AT NEB-MEN-AA, MA’AT BA-AA, described in page 180 of the Hyram Key) which in turn are similar to the last of the ten plagues that according to the Old Testament befell Egypt, that it cannot be a coincidence.

As you surely know, the last supper was a Passover dinner, similar to that which jews celebrate todate. We were slaves, we asked the Pharaoh to release us and he refused and was hit with several plagues: blood, frogs, etc. until the last one: the death of the firstborn, or MACAT BEHOROT. Jews were instructed to paint their houses so that the angel of death would pass over their house and thus the name of the holiday. In Hebrew it is called Pesach.

I am no Hebrew scholar, but think that whilst a lot of the Egyptian symbolism may have been translated in Hebrew something has been lost indeed from the Hebrew to the English.

The Book of Hiram points out the dark discrepancies of the origins of the jews as a people, and rightly so, as the bible itself seems to indicate that when left alone, idolatry would follow. This was a bit shocking to read but in fairness it seems an adequate explanation: Isaac’s, Sacrifice, the Idols when Moses did not come down quickly from the mountain, etc.

What you left me wanting for is the dates when the next Shekinah is to take place, in our lifetime.

The other thing is about Roslyn. I cannot understand their attitude in not allowing serious research/excavation there, unless they fear nothing is to be gained by it. If nothing is found it may lose some of its mystery and/or commercial appeal. Sounds like they know or feel nothing will be found. Another thought is that caretakers may not want to offend the church by what may be found there.

It is time the current leaders of the Church ask forgiveness for the crimes committed against masons in the past and allow persons of their faith who believe in god to belong to our lodges. Here in panama, to the local church officers to be a mason is to deny the church or to be in sin, and masons must either be masons in secret or openly challenge the church, like the famous issue concerning Galileo, (the explanations included in Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science clearly explain why masons assert that the earth orbits around the sun and not otherwise). Jews here do not face such difficulties.

In any event, your books have moved me, and I am forever in debt for their unique point of view. Light can be revealing and painful at the same time, but to read about your footsteps into knowledge, furthers our own closely to you pioneering steps.

I am at your service for anything you need in this part of the world.

Warm regards,

Ruben J. Levy

By Shane Anglin
Ultimately understanding Freemasonry is similar to understanding Calculus. You cannot expect a person with only basic arithmetic skills to immediately comprehend the depths of a simple differential equation. To be able to fully utilize the mechanics of Calculus and differential equations, the student must pace through multiple laborious steps starting from algebra to geometry to pre-calculus to four quarters of calculus to linear algebra and finish with differential equations. At the end of that learning path, you realize how easily and quickly you could now solve problems that previously took pages of strained thinking, but now, you have simple and easy solutions to apply to those earlier vexing problems.

In relation to Freemasonry, one doesn’t understand the initial lessons and should just take them at face value, just like math’s given theorems and formulas. Eventually, the light starts to be revealed underneath each lesson, and around each corner. Each mystery learned is another piece of an even grander puzzle.

The grand notion of it all it that the ultimate knowledge gained makes all the prior work appear as child’s play, and so simple as to make one feel foolish for not seeing it all before.
By R. Meier PM PA - USA
I have read the Hiram Key and Turning the Hiram key and must say I\\\'m refreshed and revitalized!
It makes me sad that in my jurisdiction we do not teach using the tracing board and the meaning of the degrees is not understood. In fact, a man can become a Master Mason, reciecing all 3 degrees in a single day. Now, I ask you, how much can a man learn of the true meaning of the Craft in a single day? Well, that\\\'s what they\\\'re learning.

I have researched and learned and am planning on teaching to local Lodges what the rituals mean, from where they come and why ritual is important in the Craft. Not something to just pass through so you can wear your ring.

Robert, keep writing! You are an inspiration to me and others who value the Craft.

R. Meier Past Master
Lansdowne Lodge #711
36th Masonic District PA, USA
By Steinarr Kr. Omarsson
Freemasonry is not secret and should not be. Most can proudly proclaim that they are masons, but unfortunately not all.

Freemasonry should be private. Freemasonry is so many different things to different people and each should be able to experience it in his/hers own way. Knowing too much before entering freemasonry or rising through the degrees is also a bad thing and the biggest reasons why FM should be private.

The best description of FM is that it is like a marriage. Everyone knows the husband and wife are married, but what happens in the bedroom is private.
By Cindy
Freemasonry should not be secret but privileged for those who seek it our with a true heart and an honest mind. It is absolutely amazing what instinctive bliss it has brought to me as I learn and confirm what my soul is trying to tell me. Words could never give justice to what I believe the Craft to be much less what it really is! I, more than anyone I know, wish I was able to learn more about the origin and tradition but because I am not a man I cannot join the Lodge. I would love to learn how Mr. Lomas' mother-in-law became a Brother as I ponder often how I could accomplish this myself. I feel a force driving me, pushing me to follow a path I cannot see and do not know but somehow instinctively trust is safe and true. I have always been very analytical and curious but this has ignited a passion in me that has driven friends to look at me like I have lost it! I thank Mr. Lomas so sincerely for his sharing of knowledge and experience and look forward to the future and what hope and comfort it brings.
By The Badger
I have just finished turning the Hiram Key. i could not have explained freemasonry better. I am a Royal Arch mason and knight Templar and the book sums it up very well.
By Marcus Ripley
I first discovered Freemasons in a book that was recommended to me by a friend. That book was The Hiram Key. Ever since then, I have been fascinated by the ritual and practice of the Craft. I am not currently myself a Mason but would really like to be. Knight and Lomas have really sparked a great interest in the history of religious practices and especially Freemasonry. I believe that being a Mason would greatly enhance any life and lead one to find the greater underlying truths of our existence. I hold no belief that the Masons are a society of devil worshippers or people intent on taking over the world. Of course, I have no practical knowledge of Masonry. That is not to say that they may be evil in some way, just that I cannot say for sure what they are all about. I have sought out Masons in various cities around the US but have never petitioned a lodge. This is due to lack of funds and a current lack of time as I am a full-time student and worker. My main intention after I graduate from my university is to become a member of Fremasonry.

I think that Freemasonry should be secret because that is the tradition that has been passed down through the centuries. For it to change at this time would seem off the mark. Any free man of the proper age, believing in a supreme being can petition a lodge and be accepted. This being the case, there is no reason to remove whatever shroud there is covering the Masonic ritual. I urge Mr. Knight and Mr. Lomas to continue their research and publishing in the manner that they have been. It has caused me to search out greater truths in life and religion. I spend a great deal of my free time researching all manner of texts relating to the mysteries around which the books of Knight and Lomas center.
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