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What Masonry means to people

Their thoughts on the Meaning of Masonry

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Turning The Hiram Key

Find out what Masonry means to Robert by reading his latest book, Turning The Hiram Key.

- Robert's own thoughts about his new book
- The official launch website
- Get hold of a signed copy
By PM John D Mann
As a Past Master of a lodge and the Current Master of the same lodge, I would like to express the following. The first couple of years as a WM, the ritual of the lodge seemed to be enough. In the last two years of sitting in the East, it has been "requested", by the lodge as a whole for more. The members have stated their desire for more information, instruction and light. This started with giving "lodges of Instruction". That did not center on memory work or floor work.

It appears that the more instruction of symbolism that is provided, the greater the interest. It is for this reason that it appears to be a renewed interest in the lodge. It is not uncommon for a Brother of more than 40-50 years of Masonry, to approach after the meeting and express thanks for explaining something, he has thought about for many years.

Having said this, I will give comment to your 5 questions:
1. I see only the trust between two or more Masons, found worthy, to be a secret worth guarding. The rituals, words and symbolism are of NO value to anyone unschooled.
2. It is a path with trials and contemplation that is understood with greater light, with each passing.
3. I felt honored that having allowed myself to be judged openly and completely by strangers, that I was found worthy and accepted.
4. As the years have passed and the understanding of what it means to be a Mason has become better understood, it is a guide for me. As a fraternity of brothers whom have proven themselves too selfless on occasions, around the world, it has been a blessing.
5. Anything may be expressed, but what is understood by the listener, is a completely different thing. Yes, I strongly believe that any great thought or concept should be written, less it be lost. However, the most obvious of writings are obscure to those with closed minds.

This is of course only my opinion, as a Free Thinking man.

John D. Mann
By Brother Jerad Johnson -USA
Masonry is something that should be for everyone, but is special to those who were called to it. In my journey, I felt drawn to it since I first heard about it when I was 15 yrs old. Now as a fellow traveling man, I understand that is was something that I had to do, that the mysteries of this earth are for those who are called understand them. Even in Masonry, the light must be given to you and in turn, you must be ready for it.

On a side note, I am currently exploring the Book of Hiram and its findings and I find Dr. Lomas's work extraordinary. and had to observe this site. At first, as a brother I was skeptical to the release of the ritual that is dear to me; but now after seeing this site for myself I understand the genius behind your work and know that it's still in safe hands. Brilliant. So mote it be.

Brother Jerad Johnson
By Rich
To begin, I am a Mason. I am also a member of several appendant bodies, York Rite, Scottish Rite, Shrine and Grotto. I am also a Senior Demolay. You asked what I felt like when I joined. I felt that my life had changed and that I now was part of a group where I could trust and believe the others around me. The ritual of the several degrees is a method of teaching lifes great truths. As far as the idea that Masonry is secret, this is so far from the truth it hardly needs to be discussed. Our meeting places are clearly identified both by name and by the use of Masonic Emblems. The ritual has been written so many times, that it cannot be called secret. Most Masons wear some form of jewelry(a lapel pin or a ring) that identifies them. Meeting times and lists of New Officers are often found in the local newspapers. The only thing that Masonry keeps from the outside world is the true benefit of belonging to a group of Men who are of good moral character and who desire their own improvement, not to be better than others, but to be better than they are.
If you are a Man, Freeborn (not a slave), of lawful age (18 to 21 depending on the Grand Lodge where you live), believe in a God (supreme being) and know people who will give you a favorable recommendation, the odds are that you can become a Mason. All that is needed is to find a Mason and ask.
By Mariel Schooff
Yes I think Freemasonry should be more open. I'm not a Freemason but I applaud the ideals that it stands for and think that if knowledge of it was more widespread there might not be the violence that we are experiencing world wide now and it would have a more positive influence on this world.
By Johnny Sparrow
My name is johnny and i live in canda and am very interested in Freemasonry I've read all your books such as the book of Hiram the Second messiah and so on i am greatly influenced by your writing and best of luck to you
By Tony
Freemasonry is not a secret society, it is a society with secrets. I was told that by a work colleague who is a Scottish Freemason, and I have no problem with that as a concept.
As with a lot of people I grew up not really knowing what the Masons where, or what they stood for, just that they were a 'secret' and 'sinister' organisation (tales of judges and criminals in court, police and high-powered offenders abounded).
I was brought up as a catholic, but as I grew I realised that there had to be a different story. I turned away from that religion, but the brainwashing I had received as a child was so ingrained that I couldn't go anywhere else. I had/have my own god, and do not need a formal religion to tell me how to use it.
Anyway, recently I have begun a pseudo-quest to find that other story. I began to read books on the Magdalene, the Templars and others which gave a different version of 1st century events. My Scottish friend then lent me 'The Hiram Key'. Wow, a 'belief system' that actually made sense! I found myself becoming more and more fascinated by the history and rituals of Freemasonry. I could identify with it's ideals. I have now read 'The Second Messiah' and another book called 'The Templar Revelation' by Lynne Picknett and, although she and her co-author do not necessarily hold with your assumptions and conclusions, the book does add more depth to the rituals and 'secrets' that the Masons hold dear.
I began to think that the Freemasonry was something that I should be involved with. Certainly as a way to live it fits with what I aspire to.
My problem is that you have described Freemasonry in England as not much more than a social and drinking club. I do not need that.
It would be a shame to find that such a legacy, such an abundant and wonderful history should be 'modernised' into nothing more than an excuse for a pint with the lads, for that is surely not what it is all about?
I have yet to find an answer to my quest for the real story (there are still so many opinions, even with the 'new' discoveries) and I am not convinced that English Freemasonry is a way forward for me. But I do think that the history, secrets and ideals that you hold should be held. Please do not let them be trivialised by modern 'free-thinkers'.
By Roger Moore
I recently discovered what freemasonry tries to pass on to masons. I always thought that it was a secret society and delved in the underworld but after much personal research, I realised that freemasonry was exactly what I was searching for.

I had always wondered about many things about my own personality, about philosophy, about how some people were so influential in the history of the world, about classical mmusic and education, about architecture and about how certain traits were appreciated in some cultures and not others. I wondered about the knowledge that some had and were able to discover and how soem other peoples were not part of the process of reforming their own cultures for the improvement of their citizens.

I also wished that there was a way in which I could convene with like-minded, spiritual and intellectual people who actually cared for the development of mankind in general.

I never knew there was such a body of philosophy and a group of people who actually did that until I read about freeamsonry.

I now want to be a mason so that I could alos be a part of the movement that tries to get men who, of their own will, want to make themselves better and their environment better by the amplification of morals and virtues that go beyond the boundaries of religion. I want to learn the 7 liberal arts and sciences, to learn philosophy, to help my fellowman, to b e a good husband and father.

I support masonry as far as it goes with these objectives.
By daughter of the eastern star
I come from a family of masons of jewish ancestry and live in the area south of boston mass. Not knowing why, I have always felt a need t know more about freemasonry, and always felt it was becauseof my heritage and love of history. Have read kiram key and book of hiram and have started the second messiah; questions are finally getting answered; wondering if there are women's masonic lodges in the boston area; am still thrsty for knowledge
By Dick Eckert, USN
I believe the secrets of Freemasonry are a good blend as we have them today. Certainly you can purchase books or find research online about the details of the three Craft rituals; but then again, those are not the secrets that need to be kept. As is our great oral tradition, the true secrets are not on paper or found during the ritual of the three degrees. The true secrets are what we take away from those rituals. That is to say, what and how we feel about them inside. Also, the secrets we discover as we share these experiences of rituals and other experiences of being a Mason with Brothers.
As far as how I felt when I was made a Mason: it was not as if some great epiphany happend or a moment of clarity occurred or even the figurative light switch was flipped on. It took a while to figure out what being a Mason meant to me; and even to this day, after three years, the idea of what it means is still amended or added to in my head and heart.
The truly great lines of thought (be it physical or metaphysical) need not be put to paper for they are at the back of our mind just waiting for that spark of thought, be it internal or externally supplied, to clear the path to the higher levels of consciousness. The ideas of fairness, right/wrong, bettering yourself and the people around you, making the most yourself each and every day, and ensuring that at the end of your life you can look back and say, "I was the best person I could be," are all things we want to do; but nowhere else I have found could you do that with a group of like minded people than Freemasonry.
Where else can differing schools of thought regarding politics, religion, and society come together, in peace, and still have true comraderie, fellowship, friendship and respect for each other?
By Dan Sabourin
What does Masonry mean to you?

That is to me the most diffuicult question to answer. The first man I spoke to about being a Mason when I asked what do Mason's do. He said it is not what we do it is what we are. That in itself is difficult to comprehend, but as I have progressed I have learned what he meant but at the same time it is a difficult thing to put in to words. One evening in my lodge a gentleman stood up and spoke about Masonry and I will never forget his words . He said that it is not what I think that makes Masonry great it is what we all think that makes it great. Like I said still a hard thing to put in words

Bro. Dan Sabourin St. George 367 Canada
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