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Their thoughts on the Meaning of Masonry

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Turning The Hiram Key

Find out what Masonry means to Robert by reading his latest book, Turning The Hiram Key.

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By Purpleheart

I really enjoyed reading 'The Hiram Key' because of Roberts honest and open approach to the subject of Freemasonry and its true purpose through symbolism and ritual. I was left feeling after finishing the book that Robert had opened up more questions than answers regarding the origin and true understanding of the craft. I felt there was something missing and that somehting missing was not fully understood and required much wisdom. I understand that the rituals within Freemasonary is compared to spiritual enlightenment and the pathway to God expressed as the temple within, however I came to the conclusion that Freemasonary and the rituals involved are somewhat misunderstood. The spiritual quickening as I call it, whereby a person experiences conscious awakening through tools and means (Rituals) cannot be compared to a natural means of enlightenment, the reason being that the conditions have to be right for the candidate and not forced. When I say forced, I do not mean that men are dragged into the craft, but simply the responsibility of inviting a new member into the craft without knowing the emotional and mental state of the individual and then performing a powerful ritual act that they have no understanding of and neither is it explained can be quite dangerous and have the opposite effect. Instead of the Ego being a slave, which is acheived through the rituals, the Ego can become more powerful and self distructive for those who are unable to live up to the requirements of service. Therefore it is my conclusion that although in good faith Freemansonary was founded and many good men join, the true understanding has been abused through lack of wisdom. The inner temple of the self and the building of the spiritual temple on earth can only be acheived through openess and not secrets, as understanding that we are all fragments within the web of the supreme being (God) has to be exercised aswell as experienced. Therefore to look out of ones window to the world at present, we can conclude that the true secret has not been realised and therefore we have all failed to date and therefore Knowledge without wisdom is Zero.
By Jason Campbell
This is not an entirley masonic related submission but I thought you might find it interesting in light of your research. Whilst researching Scottish history for work purposes I was reading Scotland, History of a nation by David Ross in which he makes refernece to the early chroniclers of Scotland. He mentions an Andrew of Wyntoun (c.1350-1424) composer of Orygenale Cronykil of Scotland, which has Creation as its starting point. Whilst the author David Ross dismisses much of what is recorded in these chronicles as "dubious or fantastical" I found it interesting to note that the chronicles describe the Scots as wandering from Scythia or Egypt. This is understood by the author to be a vague racial memory of the Celtic migration from Europe into Scotland, but it seems to me that it might be more accurate than the auhor gives credit for and is a trace memory of early trading with these distant lands or even the movement of early peoples from Scotland to the mideast.
On a masonic point I live in the west of Scotland, in Cowal in Argyll to be precise which has a wealth of masonic and Templar sites, graves and practices. Whilst masonary might be in decline in some parts it seems as robust here as it ever was and it is so ingrained in the local psyche that one will often hear a local non-mason make the claim that the town and council are in the pockets of buisness and masons! Given the fact that many of the areas leading masons are also leading buisnessmen this might actually be true by default.
keep up the good work. History is a more intresting place with you in it than without.
P.S. I have a two volume set of books entitled "The Encylopdea of Freemasonry" by A.E.Waite, whilst I have heard of Waite and am somewhat familar with his work I have been unable to find any reference to these books elsewhere and they appear to have been a private print run. I was wondering if you had access to these works or knew of them or if they might be of interest to you if you do not. They are extensive in their listing of personages and rites of masonry from all corners of the globe.
By Nigel Jackson
I think Freemasonry, being what A.E Waite termed the 'instituted mysteries' of Western civilization is essentially an 'open secret', a mystery which involves the initiate in a process of inner exegesis induced by the rich symbolic structures and hieroglyphic theatres of masonic emblems. The inward process of rebuilding the spiritual temple of Jerusalem - what is this but the work of restoring the human being to the primordial state of divine perfection. Such mysteries are guarded not by jealous human beings but by the veils of blindness and 'agnosia' which delimit the perceptions and faculties of humanity.

I am an initiate of the grade of Maitre Elus Cohen, sometimes called Maitre Ecossais, in the French high grade body called the 'Ordre du Chevaliers Macons, Elus Cohens de L'Univers' founded by Don Martinez de Pasqually in the mid 1700s on the continent as a great movement of operative mystical working within the Freemasonry of his day. The ritual of the Elus Cohen provides a very potent pathway to spiritual realization although its exacting disciplines are certainly not for everybody and it places a strong emphasis upon prayer and purification. In this sense it is pretty much 'operative' rather than 'speculative' as it reveals the symbology of masonry to be keys to the art of Theurgy.

When I was made a Knight Mason I felt on a deep personal level that in some indefinable way I had experienced a sacramental mystery and for me also there was a strong sense of connection with the Past Masters over the ages, a sense that the bonds of fraternity reach beyond the bounds of space and time in a very real sense and that the chain of initiates spans the ages and informs our present work in a truly mysterious way. Furthermore for me the great builders guilds of the High Middle Ages with their mythologies and ritual preserved much of the Pythagorean-Platonist lore which pervades the art and architecture of the period, just as medieval English manuscripts and charges say that 'Peter Gower' (Pythagoras' and Hermes were early Masters of Masonry - this transmission of heritage, albeit taken symbolically rather than literally, alludes to the most profound aspects of the Western psyche - geometry and number and form as keys to the Ideal Forms and paradigms in the Mind of God. The Temple as a pre-existent spiritual reality, the symbolic 'centre of the world' or heart of being to which we yearn to return.

The 'secret' side of such Masonic operations is definitely not something that can be put into words, and I guess this is true of all Masonry: one is reminded of the hymn from the 'Corpus Hermeticum' in which God, the Grand Architect of the Universe, is praised as 'Thou Unspeakable, Unutterable, to be praised with Silence'...and the secrets of Freemasonry, it's whole ritual in fact, alludes ultimately to this sense of the ineffable and brings the mind to the threshold of a noetic apprehension or contemplative knowledge which is essentially supra-rational. In that sense Freemasonry is a true guide to the Inner Life.
By Reg
Freemasonry is a very anient set of spiritual Practices.

In Morals and Dogma (the Esoteric Version), Albert Pike tells us that Freemasonry was ordered as a construct by the final Grandmaster Jacques De Molai.

Freemasonry was kept secret as part of the ancient practice of not casting pearls before swine.

The Royal Secret is a great secret of spiritual power that Jesus gave to his followers freely but ancient priesthoods wanted to keep for themselves.

By nothingsafe
There is alot to say here. As a freemason and as a man who desires to always know the truth, I'm always in search of answers. Having said that, I would have to agree with many that some things should not be shared with everyone. That's the great thing about the mystery and suspected scandal surrounding freemasonry; we live in an age where we can share our secrets but not necessarily violate any oaths we may have taken or subject anyone to real harm because there's so much information floating around there and so much suspicion that we can say whatever we wish.. some people will believe it, others won't. I think what we say will find the right ears.. those who disagree or don't want to accept, won't go through the trouble of discovering the truth of what we say, people will either accept it or throw it aside and call it rubbish without ever discovering for themselves what the truth is.
One of the biggest problems I've found in masonry is the lack of evidence. I've heard people claim Masons were involved in every single historical event imaginable but they can't produce any evidence to their claims 90 percent of the time. This is what i love about the Book of Hiram, the authors don't force you into an opinion, they don't throw the findings in your face; instead, they present their evidence, well documented (I've found no books on this topic that follow conventional historical writing referencing procedures as well as this one with footnotes citing the reference each time it's introduced and a complete bibliography in the back) and allow you to form your own opinion. They don't say "this is what happened", they say "this is what we found that led us to this conclusion and this is where we found it, look for yourself if you don't believe us"
I've been growing increasingly frustrated with freemasonry, being wrapped up in the dealings of the lodge with little time to focus on why I joined the fraternity in the first place. I wanted to learn the secrets that i believe a select few of the order hold, i wanted to be a part of an ancient brotherhood with a purpose and influence in the community, influence used for the bettering of the community. I seem to have found myself in an unfavorable situation where I don't really have a lot of confidence in the sincerity of certain people in the order and instead of discovering new truths, i've been finding a lot of hypocrisy. This isn't an image of Freemasonry, but an example of how there are bad seeds and administrative drag in every organization. Reading this book has given me a bit of a breather, reminding of what i love about Freemasonry and why I continue to pursue those truths I desire to know. I'd like to use this survey as a reminder to all Brothers in our Fraternity to take a step back from the stress of lodge dealings and personal drama and remember why you became a Mason, if you're not sharing your knowledge, just find a young man who needs it and teach him something. Above all else, practice what you preach. That's the true meaning of Masonry, being a brother and just grabbing ahold of someone and pulling them along with you on a better path.
By Malgwyn
Secrecy? The power of Masonry is based on trust of ones fellows, including the somewhat blind trust of a potential member. There is no need of Masonry to become more public, it will not make a better fraternity. Our critics will still find fault, whatever we do.

Ritual itself is a means to an end, that end being a sacred trust between fellows, based on moral bedrock. There are many versions, and they all seem to work towards that goal. Perfect ritual does not make perfect masons.
Masons are more than the ritual, and the real test of Masonry is always outside of the lodge, not in it.

I had studied masonic books, for around 12 years before I was given the opportunity to join it. I came with many ideas and expectations. It took me another 5 years or so, before I began to see what was real and what was dross. It changed me, and taught me much about my own imperfections of character.

By Donald R. MacLeod, PM
Dear Brothers:
(and others interested in learning the truth about Freemasonry)

Many non-Masons (and unfortunately, some Freemasons) are under the misimpression that Freemasonry is a secret society/fraternity. It is actually a society/fraternity with some so-called secrets. Those secrets are associated with the taking of the degrees. The word secret is a misnomer. A more appropriate word is "confidential".

How can an organization whose meeting locations, meeting times, membership lists, etc. are public knowledge, be a considered a "secret society"?

Fremasonry is not a Church or a Religious Institution. We do however, seek the blessing of our Creator in all of our endeavours. But then, all of God's men and women do the same thing at home, at work, during prayers, etc.

If an initiate for degrees is fully aware of what takes place during the degree ceremony, it would detract from the solemnity and beauty of the occasion. Some non-Masonis mistakenly believe Masonic degrees are akin to university hazing rites. This is simply not the case. Degrees are a learning process and there is nothing amusing about them. They are the initial learning process for the initiate.

The masonic ritual is, from my perspective, a learning tool. It contains the basic knowledge a Freemason requires to begin his journey from being a good man to becoming a better man, son, husband, father, friend, member of his personal Faith Group and of his community. It teaches us to be tolerant of others and to practise charity and good works. He must then seek out the path for his personal life journey and follow it. He must also find the knowledge and wisdom to enable him to do so.

Non-Masons, who have read our rituals, come to improper conclusions simply because they do not understand the old language used in some the ritual there is some devious plan contained therein. This language is traditional and we see no reason to change it to modern English or any other language. Non-masons simply do not understand and appreciate the beauty and purely symbolic nature of the ritual.

When I took my degrees, in early 1972, I was like any other initiate. I was not certain what was to take places. I was somewhat apprehensive, and somewhat confused. Perhaps an understatement on my part. However, as I progressed through the various degrees, I began to become aware of what my Brothers were teaching me. The beauty, the light, the simplicity, the truth of Freemasonry was beginning to make itself known to me.

Masonic Masonic teachings are at the forefront in all of my life endeavours and always shall be.

Freemasonry is a way of life that encompasses honouring our Creator, as we know Him; a belief in the Afterlife, as each of us perceives it; participating in and supporting my personal Faith Group, and respecting those who are members of other Faith Groups. All peoples are my Brothers and Sisters under God, be they Christian, Jew, Muslim or other Faith Groups.

Although we are taught to do our good works and charity quietly, we can be justly proud of those works carried out by individual Lodges throughout the world. That we do so, without any consideration for peoples' race, colour or creed, etc., makes me proud to be a Freemason.

Masonic knowledge is not only found in the ritual, that is merely the starting point. Freemasonry is how one lives their life, and thus giving the glory to their Creator. We do our best to live a good life, being generous not only to our fellow Freemasons, their families, their widows and orphans but to all our neighbours.

I trust that my feelings about this great Fraternity will not confuse non-Masons. I hope it will encourage them to take a closer look at Freemasonry.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Donald MacLeod, PM/DGDC/Past GSofW - G.R.N.S.

By Publisher_OurCourtsSuck.Com
I have held considerable concerns about Freemasonry, particularily surrounding the secrecy of the Craft. Indeed, the idea of secrecy suggests something sinister. Having read The Hiram Key, it has opened my mind to the need for secrecy, in times, past. Today, however, there should be less need for secrecy in such an institution that proclaims such a noble cause as does, Freemasonry, even though dark forces still exist, today.

For any institution to exist, free of misconceptions, rumours and fear-mongering, utter transparency is integral. Indeed, I have discovered that in conducting my own affairs, visibly, I have effectively protected myself from harm. By making public, my business affairs,
I have created a transparent shield. I hold no secrets and have made public, those secrets held by others, drawing attention to their actions that aimed to harm me. As a result, it has become more difficult for them to cause me further harm.

The sooner the secrets of the Universe are revealed to all Humanity, the sooner those self-serving actions of a few become transparent for all to see and the better to protect the common good of all. To create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, we must all be able to visualize Its Design.

Thank you for publishing The Hiram Key; it's been instrumental in illuminating the wisdom that has existed from the start, that foundation, most true for humanity to build upon. We are all just spirits who reside in a material world.

It is interesting to note (in The Hiram Key) that about the time of the institution of Parliamentary England, the institution of private banking became privileged with the license to create the nation's money. It is also interesting to note that every assasinated President of (A)Merica, opposed the institution of private lenders, having the sole authority to create the nation's money.

Yours very truly,

David-Hunter: Thomson

By G
Frankly, I have got more information on the subject from your books than from anywhere else. That has given me a clearer picture of the history and the purpose of Freemasonry. My only point is this: If it is good, why is it so secret?

My brother has become a Mason and I don't see that as a bad thing, however, I have researched the subject somewhat on-line and I often see quotes from important Mason's stating that it is about worshipping Lucifer (Albert Pike). Now, I realize that you pointed out that a certain word was actually meant to be read as Wisdom. That's fine and good but for the average outsider, these things need to be better clarified. When there are black and white squares and it is said that there are both Good and Evil is it a statement of fact or a justification for certain kinds of behavior?

Also, the question of Masonic groups being infiltrated by other "Secret Societies" or groups is something that would be of concern to me. It has been written that the Illuminati Groups or Jacobins actually used Freemasonry groups as a cover for their activities. The other concern is The Jesuits and The Vatican. You might want to look up the Jesuit Oath and the Jesuit Handbook sometime, both of these put forth an "ends justifies the means" approach and their Oath makes the Masonic counterparts look tame by comparison! What if the Roman Empire never actually fell? What if the "Holy" Roman Empire merely transitioned into the Roman Catholic Church? Are the Popes not unlike "Priest-Kings"?

It is interesting to note that the Freemasons (don't know that this is still the case) would not allow Catholics to become Freemasons. The stated concern was that they might confess the secrets but what if it is because they are Catholics and because that is not the "True Church"? Why would Masons be so concerned if there wasn't a more important reason?

I will just say this: There is something to both Conspiracy Theories and to the facts that many Masons throughout history have held many significant positions of power but none of it makes sense in terms of History, Motive and Intent if The Jesuits and The Vatican are removed from the equation.

A good book on the subject is , "Rule By Secrecy" By Jim Marrs.
By Curious in Canada
I understand the function of male-only activities, and recognize that it's socially important to reserve spaces for each gender to mingle alone, but for an organization that is so widespread, so apparently committed to moral uprightness, spiritual development and charity, why exactly are women so totally excluded from Freemasonry?

Do Masons have a problem with women? Do Masons consider women to be unworthy for spiritually enlightenment?

I enjoy your scholarly work, and I want to think well of your group, but this issue has never been adequately explained.
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