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Turning The Hiram Key

Find out what Masonry means to Robert by reading his latest book, Turning The Hiram Key.

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By Morrigan
Being a female and therefore not initiated in the rites of Freemasonry, I may have a 'clouded' view of Freemasonry. Having read several of Mr Lomas's books and my favourite place on Earth being Rosslyn Chapel, I must admit to being fascinated by the rituals and symbology that Freemasonry has to offer. I am drawn to the philosophy and knowledge that lie behind the 'secrets'.

I am a firm believer that no one body should withhold information from the public IF it were to shed light and answers on the mysteries of life. Having said that it remains to be seen if the general public at large is ready for the mysteries to be revealed.

I have always found it 'strange' that for a body of people so into the worship of the feminine principal of Isis and so on, would be so adverse to the inclusion of the divine feminine on Earth, ie. women. For this I am accursed my sex! For to be honest I have a thirst for knowledge and to be 'excluded' from ANY avenue that could enhance that knowledge is frustrating. Therefore I applaud Mr Lomas in his quest to 'reveal' his personal 'Holy Grail'.

When reading of Freemasonry I am always struck of the synchronicity of symbols and events that seem to tie it into almost every facet of The Mysteries, from Ancient Egypt and beyond to the Grooved Ware People of the British Isles.

It would be a shame for Mr Lomas not to reveal more... I for one await with baited breath. Reveal the knowledge, for those that can take from it, will and for those it holds no interest will be none the wiser.

As for those who wish not to reveal the 'secrets' I just hope that they know what they are doing, for it could have an adverse affect on the World as a whole if vital information were not shared. I think it is now time for the Revelation to begin.
By Pete Giles
Having been brought up in a very strict religious family, I had been taught for years that Free Masons were a "cult" and to be avoided. Oddly, because of my inquisitive nature and scientific schooling, I came across a strange anomaly in the way science reduces religion to a mere "belief system" with little significance.
The very thing from which all matter is comprised, energy, has a fundemental law that it cannot be created nor destroyed and is therefor infinite. All matter is comprised in such a way as to show there is a definite order to the manner of its construction, a plan if you like.
Time is merely a function of matter ageing and as Einstein showed with his theories, physical science is entirely relative to material but if we step outside of those confines, time ceases to be very relavent at all.
What is interesting is that Free Masons aspire to become at one with that more infinite perspective, as such being more likely to be less materialistic than many other religious sects and churches. It is also noticable that Walter Leslie Wilmshurst points out very clearly in his writings that the temptation to indulge in magic or substances for spurious and temporary ecstasy is self destructive,.. indeed it is not exactly "new age" either as his views were published way back in 1911.
Now that the history of the Masonic traditions are becoming more widely known and I have had a chance to read about them, I have found that the knowledge and wisdom of the craft is in reality, very close to my own theories and maybe I am much closer to the principals of the Masons than my original church up-bringing!
As the power of such rites as are within the masonic traditions could be open to abuse by persons who may have personal motives, certainly such rites should only be carried out by those who have proved a character of moral responsibility, thus as such being "secret".
The principals of the Masons however should I feel be more open to public scrutiny as they have a great deal to offer to the whole of society, particularly in such troubled times as we now live.
It has been said that "power currupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" but I think this applies to power invested in single individuals and thus, by the very nature of the structure of the Free Masons' orders, they might attract people who seek power BUT within the creeds that are taught, there is a certain safety in numbers that would render such abuse futile. Certainly, there have been several notable persons who have claimed to have been Free Masons but it now becomes very obvious that they merely abused the title for effect and were a long way from being as honourable.
I think there is that innate fear of what is not known, expressed in a negative attitude towards Free Masons. It is only that fear that "shrouds" the truth about Free Masons, it is however, as I have found, far less shadowy than I and many others have been led to believe.
Would that all men should have such high aspirations to integrity!
So, as to whether there should be more known about the Masonic traditions?
I say publish and be blessed!
By Sigma1914
Question: "Should Freemasonry be secret, or should we be more open about it?"

No, we should NOT be more open about it.

Freemasonry is now scrambling to "reveal" itself to the masses in hopes of curbing negative public opinion. No amount of revealed "secret" Masonic information will change public opinion, and for Freemasonry to occupy itself with soothing the public so as to justify its existence and strange rituals/practices, is not only self-defeating but is also self-destroying and gravely short-sighted. For what reasons should we be more open? And to what ends?

Freemasonry will not grow it's ranks of dedicated men, nor satisfy the media and public opinion (especially the Christian public opinion) by showing it's practices and rituals on The History Channel and The National Geographic Channel (both episodes have aired in the States already, and have revealed certain steps, due guards, grips, etc.) or by Brent Morris (33° Grand Cross, Supreme Council 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite USA) over-emphasizing our highly doubtful, benign, Freemasonic birth from an ancient group of illiterate European stoneworkers...who needed to form complex initiation rituals for what purpose? To prove that they could chisel rocks?

The way to change public opinion and attract worthy men is to respect your Masonic code and to educate within first, BEFORE you attempt to educate outside of you. If Masons themselves are not extremely involved in dialogue and research of their own history, and do not learn to open their minds to new ideas, information and possibilities...with ALL Brothers being on the Level regardless of rank or title in the Lodge...then we have surely lost the ancient spirit of true Freemasonry. We talk a good game about being able to have difficult and honest discussions within the Lodges, but how often are we actually willing, or able, to engage and receive information on Masonic history/research that is contrary to the "rank and file" line of historical dogma we espouse?

HISTORY is the KEY! Men need something more than oddly conveyed morality lessons to bind them to an ideal. There are plenty of fraternal, social and civic organizations that already serve that purpose. We would be well advised to embrace the legacy and ancestry of Freemasonry; even if we are truly just beginning to discover it! When people have a strong and proud ancestry to grab on to, it gives them a stronger sense of pride, importance and a belonging to something greater than the self. This is a much stronger motivator than an identity created by belonging to a fellowship that gives allegorical moral lessons via strange stone building tools...for seemingly no real apparent reason other than to make a good man better. Freemasonry will be in great decline if it cannot offer men both great and small, something other than a series of oddly conveyed morality lessons which some believe competes with religious dogma.

Finally, I think most of the latest "hoop-la" surrounding revealing Freemasonry as quickly as possible to the public has to do with the fact that Dan Brown's follow-up novel to The Da Vinci Code is rumored to center around Washington, D.C. and Freemasonry. Perhaps the Masonic authorities want to avoid issues similar to that which came upon Opus Dei and the Catholic Church; which has had its own peculiar history with Freemasonry.
By Questing Knight
My brother joined the Scottish Rite of Masonry about 10 years ago while stationed in Korea. I have since been on a quest to learn as much about the Order as I can. Being a Catholic and a Knight of a different order, my apprehension can be understood. Through my own quest for the truth about Masonry, I have come across some very interesting information. For one thing, I couldn't find anything forbidding Catholics from becoming Freemasons in the most recent publication of the Cannon Law (yes I was searching with the help of a lawyer). In spite of that, I see why Masonry poses a threat to modern Christianity. But that is all besides the point.

What I find most interesting is through your research, you seem to be uncovering the stories or histories of the "conquored" peoples. As we all know, the histories taught in schools might as well be called "victories" as they are the stories of conquorers rather than the stories of the worlds peoples.

In your books, you mentioned that you came across the old rituals. Why the the Scottish Rite, stop working those rituals and why can they not be revived. They seem to hold the true purpose of Freemasonry. I think it would help bring to light the true purpose and to help keep the members interested in the Craft.

Thank you for your research and for giving a voice to the silenced. I believe, you're right about current lifestyles preventing people from making a life-long committment to the craft. Hopefully more people will come to know the Craft for what it tuely is and make the committment to keep it alive. HISTORY MUST BE FAIR AND TRUTHFUL
By Joe F. in TX
Let me first say that I am not a Mason, but that I have recently submitted a petition to one of the local lodges. I have not read any of your books, but I certainly believe that I should pick up a copy and will as soon as possible. Hopefully, I'll be getting a visit from a couple of guys pretty soon(I was told that they would come visit me), I'm anxious to start learning.

I first became interested in Freemasonry a couple of years ago when my father mentioned something about it. He told me that it was an organization I should join if I ever got the chance. It started the wheels spinning in my head, and I remembered a man having tried to recruit me for the Masons. At that time, his approach and secrecy turned me off. Basically, he told me that I could be a member, but that I didn't even have to come to the meetings, but wouldn't tell me anything about the Freemasons. Obviously, nothing in life is free so I had an aversion to such a claim.

Fast forward from that about 6 years and I found myself working almost side by side with a Master Mason, actually two Master Masons. One became something of a mentor for me, as I was just starting out as a machinist. I asked a few questions of him and decided that I was interested. The so-called secrecy is something of a draw to Freemasonry I suppose, but from what I know of the Craft so far the real benefit is what you can do for the community. One of the things I was told was that there are no secrets, however, one must know the proper questions to ask---A difficult thing for a non Mason to know!

I also recently watched something on the History channel about Freemasonry. If I remember correctly, it was titled "Mysteries of the Freemasons: The Beginning". It was quite informative, though I reject the part about the KKK being affiliated with Masonry. The Master Mason I watched most of the program with seemed quite upset about that being in there.

In any case, truth is only evident when a person wants to accept it. People can see things, but never really see them. My belief is that no matter the disclosure, the "secret" will only truly be apparent to those with an understanding and willingness to accept it.
By Lormac
My Dad was a freemason. I grew up thinking all people should be treated with dignity and respected for their own abilities and good deeds. Since reading your books I have realised how deeply the ideals of positive freemasonry have permeated my life and values. I have always been interested to learn more.
I began a search to self identity by looking into my families' celtic past: the artistic designs, metal work and then the structure of ancient celtic society interested me.
An interest in Scotland and its history also led me to read as deeply as possible (in the hobby sense) especially in the origins of the Pictish people and how Celtic tirbes came to the British Isles. All these ancient people, with their legacy of megalithic building made me more inquisitive about their lifestyles, beliefs and motivations. An enduring interest in all ancient people and their origins and beliefs ahs linked in with interests in the effects of climate change on behaviour as well. Your delving into these antiquities has illuminated a great deal and points to values that have been held for untold time frames. Your books help to explain some of the reasons for the rise and fall of popular thinking systems. But most of all, your books, with their explanations of freemasonry, point at enduring practise of goodness in action. Thank you for taking the steps to reveal what has been secret. Secrets revealed at inappropriate times are subject to ridicule or misuse - even secrets that deal with past events.Some people may be confronted by the thought that ancients held deep knowledge. I think that past times have been undervalued and ancients people underestimated. Keep up your research and boldly add to our understanding of the past and how it can affect us today.
By Greg Palmer
Dr. Lomas,

I have read Uriels Machine, The Book of Hiram, The Hiram Key and several other pieces that you have written. I am not a mason and but for time I would become one. My research into the truth behind Jesus Christ, and all that he was and is has led me on a seventeen year journey of research of many different facets and topics. What you have been able to assemble is truely amazing and much needed. The oppression of two thousand years of power seeking by the church is a shame and a sham.

I am working on a book that includes many of the points that you speak about and hopefully includes a much broader picture than even I had hoped to see. the true history that is held withing the oral traditions of Freemasonry is clearly the more reasonable version of history.

When a person looks at the person of Jesus and the lineage of Grail Kings that he is part of one can barely contain the contempt for the church. Considering the thousands of innocent people who have died at their hands, it is truely bewildering that more people don't see through the cloud of lies.

Don't get me wrong I am not a bitter person, I was not raised Catholic but I do believe in God and I see the incredible history that has been covered over for the gain of power. I hope that a great ground swell can one day sweep from our door step the distorted versions of history we are taught and that true freedom will be forthcoming to the world. Keep up the great work.

If the opportunity presents itself, I hope that I will be able to assemble a book that can help to add to the growing wave of people who seek to come out from under the umbrella of the last two thousand years and see what is really the history of the human race.

I have a copy of Uriels machine beside me and am reading it for the third time.


Greg Palmer a fellow seeker of the truth.
By Andre Geurts
I have not yet become a Freemason, but am planning on joining the craft if all goes well. I must admit that my search in finding what the "Masons" were really like began about 13 years ago. This curiosity has lead me to association with some very upstanding men who has shown me the true meaning of Freemasonry. My curiosity has lead to a desire to better myself and become associated with those that dsire the same spiritual self improvement. As mentioned before I hope that I will be abel become part of the craft and enjoy the association of more outstanding individuals.

I have read the Hiram Key and though some of conclusions that were given were a bit of a stretch for my personal believes it was refreshing. Now as I have started to read the Book of Hiram I look forward to what it holds and what I can learn from your findings. I must admit that if anything that reading your book has done is increased my disire to be part of the craft, to learn more of God and to know Jesus Christ.

As to your question on whether or not Freemasonry should be secret or more open? I believe that it should be open about who and what they are about, but as to its rituals it should continue to remain secret. Speaking as one who is a member of the "Mormon" faith the holding of ones rituals secret or secred is one of great importance. The significance and spiritual meaning would loose its importance or strength if those who are not prepared spiritually were to just read them. The tendency to misunderstand, mock and degraded the ritual because of the lack of understaning almost always occurs and why would anyone want to allow that to happen? As the Bible states, "throwing pearls before swines" comes to mind. And please no disrespect intended to those not of the craft, but why give something of a spiritual nature to one who is not prepared to recieve it. Is that not why one goes the degrees of the craft one at a time and over a period of time? One must be spiritually prepared before things of spiritual nature are to be learned or understood.

Thank you for you work and you insight,
By Alistair Dalziel
I have just been raised to the third degree, and I am attending my first lodge istallation tonight.

I am an associate of the worshipful company of farriers, an ancient trade guild, by examination. It is still an operative guild, unlike freemasonry which is now speculative. The meaning and the worth of masonry for me, is in the juxtaposition of the two crafts. As a mentor of apprentices, I struggled to get apprentice's 'eye in', for while both crafts use the same working tools, it is the 'eye', the way of seeing, that makes the difference between craftsmen and the profane. Just as new technology, or new tools such as telescopes help us to see new stars or planets, the sight of new stars and planets help us to see in different ways. The 'new' ways of seeing are developed in masonic ritural and apprentice teaching, where candidates are asked to master a tool and it's use before progressing, developing as a person in the process.

'How do you see balance' is an oft asked question in farriery. Between a Master and an Apprentice, the answer is often 'It just looks right': the process of 'seeing' undergone and mastered is the core of the craft, and the articles of apprenticeship is the method by which the craft is preserved. Freemasonry enables 'candidates' (from the latin for white-innocent-men???!!) to gain the sight of a craftsperson without exchanging labour for experience in an operative craft apprenticeship, and as such is unique in 'crafting persons'.

Interestingly, when working for the farriery training service, I gravitated towards Masters who consistently turned out quality apprentices. While one of their reasons for success was undouptedly smart selection of candidates, all shared a method of training where an art or science (for farriery like any craft is an art and a science) was mastered before being initiated to the use of another tool or method. All, I now know were Freemasons.

By sporty
I am a female that has known and still know many men that say they are Freemasons. Because I am a woman, most men are hesitant to discuss much about Freemasonry. Some were more open about different things than others. Usually the younger men are more open but are less informed about the history of the Freemasons. The older men take more stock in the history and the rituals but may not be doing a very good job of passing on the information or the understanding to the younger generation. I have done a very small amount of research into Freemasonry but by no means have an understanding of most of the material myself. In a way, I find Freemasons to be a dying breed to say the least. I feel that there should be more openess just because of that fact. The history is being lost and very rapidly. I am by no means as educated as the authors of this website or the books on the subject although every book I find fascinating for multiple reasons, but if you wanted an opinion of an average person with an interest, this is mine in a nutshell.
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