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Their thoughts on the Meaning of Masonry

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Turning The Hiram Key

Find out what Masonry means to Robert by reading his latest book, Turning The Hiram Key.

- Robert's own thoughts about his new book
- The official launch website
- Get hold of a signed copy
By Solomon
Masonic rituals and living a Masonic life is wonderful thing, but it is also so just like anyhing else in life. You will only get out of it what you put into it. Furthermore, It also depends on you intentions of becoming a Mason,
By MasterMason1996
I was Made a Master Mason 1996, and RAM in 2006. I love the craft!

I believe our Craft should remain secret! Our brothers were killed for those secrets, and if we tell the world about our secrets they will have died in vain!

I do love the books you have written about the craft, and the way you and Christopher Knight have brought to light our true history.


Thank you!

Timothy W. Weidner
Denton, Texas...U.S.A.
By Macka
Hi Robert. I am a non-affiliated Freemason. I too found the ritual comforting initially during times of change and stress in my life. The values of a freemason do not, I believe, clash with any of the old established beliefs and despite having resigned from my lodge I still practice the precepts and ethos of the freemason.
I left for several reasons, not the least was my own inner turmoil, but also because of proposed changes (without logical explanations) to the ritual; the lack of open discussion within the lodge to help me understand HOW to become a better person. This I felt was a major lack in our lodge.
One of the proposed changes was to scrap the initiate's "pyjamas" in order to attract more applicants. This caused some outrage and I don't know the final outcome. Part of the outfit was for the participant to experience humility yet how many of us can truely say that we feel humble when we are dressed in a dinner suite? As we grow up our parents and others are telling us that we should be proud of ourselves, yet pride is the opposite of humility. Begs the question "Can we be proudly humble?" If I am a proud person then the best that I can do is to pretend to be humble; if I find humility then I will no longer need to feel pride. Pretense is just that, pretense!!!

I do not feel proud to call myself a Freemason, I feel humbled. This is because I have been accepted by other men of all nationalities as their equal and THIS is the ethos of masonry.

You do not need to be a freemason to practice freemasonry!!!
By Susan
I am very proud of my Masonic heritage. I come from a family that beleives Masonry is a way of life, a code to live by. My late father told me upon my initiation into the Internaional Order of Jobs Daughters, that all our lessons were just that. Not some funny words or out dated story to rush through and be forgotten, but ideas to think on, grow with & into, and a way of living and giving back to society.
These words of his have guided me ever since. Order of Eastern Star meetings were a family affair and bonding time for me with my late sister & late Mother. The friendships made are life long.
"We" all know we are giving back to society when we live in a Masonic manner.
Masonry needs to remain "secret", it is the bond between like travelers all going East, no matter where you live or what station in life you hold.
By londogg
I am not a Freemason at this moment but I have been very interested in the Craft every since my older brother became a member 2 years age. I am 30 firefighter in Texas my brother is 33. To me and my opinion is one of knowledge I have received from many of the Freemason books I have read, is that the Craft is about becoming the best possible person man or woman that one can be..but this can only be done by finding the true meaning of ones self and that is one question that i believe no religion can answer because the answer lies within that person for only him or her to find...and to me the Craft allows you the tools needed to find that i know that there is so much more to the Craft for me to learn and i will...but right now that is what it means to me....thank you lonnie loosemore
By A Fellow of the Craft
Bro. Lomas:

Having been made a Fellow of the Craft two short months ago, I am looking forward to being raised to a Master this fall. I must say, the men of my lodge are incredible, upstanding men from many different socio-economic backgrounds. And I too still have many more questions than answers, but reading Freemansonry and the Birth of Modern Science along with The Hiram Key have certainly helped deepen my understanding of some of the rituals. I look forward to reading Turning The Hiram Key after being made a Master!

This being said, I am of two opinions regarding Ritual and Secrecy.

I agree that too many Brothers don't know what lies behind the rituals, and I think it important for the future of the Craft (and the future growth of the Craft as well) that more lodges spend more time understanding many of the items you have pointed out in your books. I have spent many times over the last few lodge meetings feeling uncertain as to my place, where to sit, how to behave, how to vote - minor items that a new initiate needs to be guided on. It is all well and good to listen to the lectures, but discussion amongst the bretheren about what they mean seems lacking.

In terms of Secrecy - yes, I feel certain things should remain secret, much the same as they are today. It is important to have committees evaluate potential candidates, if for no other reason than to ensure as best we can the true motives of those who wish to join this society. If we truly do prize honour and virtue over the external advantages of rank and fortune, this practice must continue. In addition, let us not forget what history has taught us (and you yourself have studied) regarding the persecution of so-called "heretics" at certain previous times in history - It was this secrecy that has allowed Freemasonry to survive this long. Many religious beliefs are still persecuted in parts of the third world, and who knows what the future holds for the evolution of some of the more dominant world faiths - suffice it to say that throwing the doors open could be an even riskier tactic than maintaining some elements of secrecy - especially since we have been dealing with secrecy for some time!

I truly agree the Freemasonry has given me a new focus on personal morals and virtue, and is proving to be the "life long school" that I have needed to continue to grow and develop as a human being. I think it will survive and be stronger if more of the bretheren embrace our history, understand the meaning of ritual in a deeper sense, and pass that along to the newer initiates such as myself. This on its own should lend itself to a gradual increase in the ranks over time - of those men (and women) that truly believe as we do in the virtue and morality of the human spirit, regardless of doctrine.
By R.W. Bro. Krkwyt
Bro. Lomas;

Thank you for the pleasurable hours your several books have provided. I have enjoyed the Hiram Key, The Turning of the Hiram Key (which by the way, was recommended by our Grand Master), The Second Messiah, and just finishing, Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Sience. Brilliant research, clever conclusions, and I am waiting for more.

I must say that when I first began reading the Hiram Key, I was quite upset with your exposure of certain Masonic'isms and still often whince as I journey through your researches.

As webmaster for a Grand Lodge website, educating the public on Freemasonry is one of my duties, so I do sympathize with the difficulty of disclosing Masonic material to the public. It's much like treading on broken glass, with some brethren helping while others....

I was raised in 1974, in a Northern Ontario, small, village lodge, during a time when 'silence is golden' was the motto. This 'complete silence' was primarily due to the fact that the brethren really did not know what were true secrets, and what were not. Thus everything was painted gold and still is for many -stressing the importance of a well informed Grand Lodge website.

Times are changing, especially in countries where Masons are no longer threatened, and I believe that knowing what is a Masonic secret, and what is not, will ensure a positive future for the Craft. It is obvious that most good men appreciate secrets -especially Masonic secrets which are so aluring to the inner-man. Masonic symbols and secrets encourage self study, feelings of accomplishment, and most of all, the ability to judge one's self based on an exclusive, well-tried-yard-stick. The art of speculation is enhanced greatly by your work.

Bro. Lomas, may your own journey thru the chards of glass be encouraged and softened by Masonic honour and enlightenment. I look forward to reading your next work.
By Adam
Being a newly raised brother, I have more questions than answers. I feel though that I don't have a full understanding of what Masonry is supposed to be. It seems that the more "secrets" are revieled, the less appealing Masonry becomes. And the more prone people are to forget about the past. I have read a couple of your books and I find them very entertaining and somewhat informative. I would sincerely like to see more ritual and history taught to the newer brothers. There seems to be nothing but initiations at my lodge.
By Simon Swain
Let me begin by saying that I am not a Mason. I was recently asked to join a Lodge in Tampa, FL., and knowing that my grandfather was a Mason of some apparent standing in London after WWII, I became curious about the subject. My next move was going to the bookstore and acquiring the Hiram Key and the Book of Hiram; both of which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Secrecy- In the past I believe it was highly necessary, as elements of organized religion were powerful opponents. Today in the information age however, humanity is more enlightened and fewer people in the west are held hostage to the dogma of the church. In order for Freemasonry to thrive again it should adjust to the times, and I believe that is your belief and purpose of the books.

Ritual- Having read the books and really not having very much else to digest; it is my belief that the astrological meanings of the craft are a guide to the earth's cimate through time.
If so this would be a large step towards understanding the creator's plan for mankind, and to keep us in check; a theme we see in every belief system and cultures worldwide. The effects of planetary mass and gravity on light and space influence the climate of our planet. Ages, aeons, cycles are likely weather patterns resulting from the positions of the celestial bodies, and in turn places like Newgrange and Stonehenge are calculators for these changes in conditions. Ice-ages, droughts and floods, are the most influential events in human history, mastery of these conditions would ensure the survival of a civilization. I find it interesting that hurricanes cycles are proven to be 20 years of highly active seasons, followed by twenty years of quieter seasons (20 + 20=Venus cycle). I am wondering if this may be the key to understanding global warming and cooling which I submit works in patterns that may related to the mechanics of our solar system and their effects on space and light. In the 1970's they told us we were entering an ice-age and ludicrous proposals such as dumping soot on the ice caps were put forth. Today mankind is blind to these conditions as technology has focused our attention to what can be proven in a short period of time, and cultural attitudes assume we know more now than ever before. This arrogance is an unfortunate part of human nature, and is the reason that knowledge that can only be acquired through aeons of observation has been lost or dismissed. I am thinking of studying this in detail, what say you?
By Jim Giovagnoli
I have always felt that being a Mason means always looking for self-improvement, and tolerance of different viewpoints.

I am 42 years old. I have been in the Masonic Lodge for about 16 years. Although I was born and raised a Catholic, and am currently a member of the Methodist Church (don't attend much), I immediately knew when I attended Lodge and then Scottish Rite that being a Mason was all the 'religion' ( if you could call it that) that I need.

Being a Mason has helped shape how I view world events. I really can't fathom the thinking that drives suicide bombers, for example. It just seems so irrational, so counter productive. So not civilised. Although it is not very tolerant of me, I just do not see any justice or truth in that kind of action. No matter what the reasoning.

I have an enormous respect for my Brothers in the Lodge. I feel that I have learned something from every Mason I have come in contact with. I feel privileged to be counted in the same company as them. I often wonder if I measure up, and try to do even better for myself and my family.

I am not trying to sound pompous, or overly grand. I really feel this way. I just don't say it out loud. I often tell people what The Lodge means to me when asked.
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